Florida Foster Care Review’s Annual Claws for Kids Luncheon brings together more than 350 of Miami’s top civic and community leaders in support of children and youth in foster care. Held at the iconic Joe’s Stone Crab on Miami Beach, the event features a pre-lunch wine and networking reception, delicious fare, and an exciting raffle with great prize packages. All proceeds support FFCR’s program and services.
As a raffle item donor, we will include your company’s name and/or logo on our event webpage, in our event program and on dedicated social media posts. Part of the success of our annual event is the generosity of our raffle item contributions. Our raffle is always a huge highlight of this event and last year’s ticket purchases contributed over $18,000 to support our work on behalf of abused and neglected children. We would be grateful if you would consider donating an item for this year’s luncheon!
The sooner you donate, the sooner we can include you in our pre-event promotional materials and social media posts. Please contact Melissa Meade at mmeade@fostercarereview.org or 305-679-2753 for more information.