Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead
In the spirit of the holiday season…
Ten-year-old Jon* re-entered foster care after a failed adoption. He had extreme mood swings, engaged in self-harm and avoided physical affection. After living in five foster homes over the course of a single year, his case was referred to Florida Foster Care Review’s Permanency Roundtable Program.

Through the efforts of the PRT team, Jon ended up with Rose*, a specially trained foster parent. Rose helped stabilize Jon but was unable to adopt him, and Jon refused to be adopted by anyone else. Respecting his wishes but unwilling to give up, FFCR’s Permanency Roundtable team connected Jon informally with a seasoned adoptive parent. While attending monthly social events for foster children, the two bonded and Jon eventually agreed to be adopted. Rose remains a constant source of support, and, thanks to the Permanency Roundtable team’s creativity and persistence, Jon’s future looks bright….
At Florida Foster Care Review, we work daily to create stories like these, but we can’t do it without you. Your year-end gift can help more children like Jon benefit from our programs.

There are nearly 3,000 children and youth in the Miami-Dade child welfare system. Kids who have already suffered too much can easily slip through the cracks. Many age out of foster care at 18 without family or a place to call home. Sadly, the longer a child remains in foster care, the more likely she is to experience unemployment, unplanned pregnancies, involvement with the criminal justice system and more.

Florida Foster Care Review works to prevent the negative consequences of abuse and neglect that often follow foster children into adulthood. We also strive to ensure that youth exit foster care to a family instead of the streets. Our dedicated and specially trained Citizen Review Panel volunteers are at the heart of our work. With staff support, they conduct more than 750 review hearings annually, providing a critical safety net for over 500 foster children each year. Florida Foster Care Review also engages teams of community experts in Permanency Roundtables that have one goal – to find lifelong families for youth, one child at a time.

Last year, Florida Foster Care Review’s Citizen Review Panels recommended 3,604 court orders promoting kids’ safety and wellbeing. Through the success of our Permanency Roundtables, in recent years, 27 youth have been matched with a permanent family or a lifelong adult connection – connections that will guide them through the critical journey of young adulthood. Our dedicated volunteers donated 3,590 hours valued at $265,631, and many are among our most generous financial supporters. Your donation will allow us to serve more children. With your help, more foster children will be safe and linked to loving, caring adults.

Click here to make your tax-deductible contribution now. Your donation may be one of the most important gifts you give this holiday season.

We deeply appreciate your support and partnership, and wish you the happiest of holidays!


Candice L. Maze
Executive Director
P.S. You are a critical partner in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our community’s most vulnerable children and youth. Without your help, abused and neglected children are at risk of falling through the cracks. Please donate now to give them a safety net today so that they have the chance for a better future. Thank you!

*Names and likeness have been changed to protect privacy.