Engage: Child Welfare Policy and Practice With Natalia Giordano
To ensure the most positive outcomes for children, Florida Foster Care Review connects with organizations and programs that are also dedicated to improving the lives of Miami-Dade’s children and youth in foster care. On Tuesday, October 3, 2017, FFCR’s Executive Director, Candice Maze, and Program Director, Vanessa Muñoz presented to assistant professor Natalia Giordano’s Child Welfare Policy and Practice Course at FIU. The class is comprised of 16 undergraduate and graduate students studying social work, who are interested in learning more about the child welfare system.

FFCR’s own Vanessa Munoz explains the value of the Permanency Roundtable.
The presentation focused on the dependency court process, with an emphasis on achieving permanency for youth in the foster care system. With a combined 30 years of experience in the child welfare system, Candice and Vanessa also shared with the students why they chose to work in the child welfare system, and what continues to motivate them. Both agreed that the resilience of the children and youth and the incredible kindness and generosity of foster parents, volunteers and colleagues inspires them and helps them remain hopeful for the children
Learn more about how you can get involved with Florida Foster Care and make a difference in the life of a foster child.